• “The reason someone is coming to see you is that they’re stuck. They want a more expanded life. That implies change and growth – movement. It doesn’t have to be scary. Once you begin opening up fresh possibilities, you can finally live the life you always wanted.”

Dr. Sheila Willson, Ph.D., C. Psych.

“Every bad situation has what we call the gift in the problem. If you can find the gift in the problem – how you’ve learned something from this – we lift some of the negativity. And when we learn something, we expand. And that brings in the lightness.”

“There is so much noise around us – so much anger and vitriol and it can suck you into a vortex that reinforces negative thinking. I work with clients to help them find joy in the moment. That’s the most effective way to fight back against a lifetime of accumulated hurt and frustration. There is a way through. It is my greatest satisfaction and privilege to walk down a new path with a client and help them make their life what it can be.”

“Don’t get stuck in a corner. Open your eyes, turn around and look at the rest of the room. You’ll see a whole new side of the world and that is sure to lift your spirits, and reduce the burden you carry around with you.”

Case Studies



Family Dynamics


Leaving with Love